Tuesday 13 November 2012

Talking Squid at Ray & Annes Tackle

We finally made it to Adelaide to do a squid talk, we have been kicking the idea around for ages and we managed to get everything together for a quick fly by session at Ray & Annes Tackle.

The day started a bit full on with me starting work at 0300 in the morning as per normal, after working till about 1300 I scammed a lift to the airport with the new boss (good bloke) and boarded a plane for Adelaide, quick check in and arrive in Adelaide at about 1700, Lee from Gladiator was good enough to pick me up at the airport and off to Ray and Annes Tackle to meet with Bruce. We were met with a well stocked store some cracking staff and pizza to ensure we did not starve. Everyone was great and looked after us well.

We did not have a lot of time to set up so I got to work  getting the projector and screen set up to kick off in about 20 minutes. Before we had finished setting up plenty of squid mad folks started turning up with questions in hand.

Presentation went down well and plenty of great questions from the crowd, makes it a lot easier to do these things when the folks listening are thirsty for more info, the night was a very enjoyable and we do have plans to come back  one day soon.

Massive Thanks to Bruce and his staff for the hospitality before during and after the talk.

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